Saturday, September 24, 2011

Vedic Astrology Horary And Questions

One of the simplest and richest forms of astrology is the specialist area of ‘horary’ astrology which is based on the chart for the ‘hora’ or ‘hour’ – the time a pressing question is asked, or when it is received by the astrologer.  In recent years a growing number of astrologers have begun to specialise in this ancient type of astrology.  It can be very valuable in throwing light on specific issues, such as ‘Should I take the job?’  Such a question may have deep psychological as well as practical implications.  A study of an horary chart for such a question can be expected to reveal something about the background to the question and the issues involved, practical information about the timing, and, in the hands of psychological horary practitioner, something of the larger personal issues implied in the question.

This is based on the idea that the moment when someone feels sufficiently moved to contact an astrologer with a pressing question will be a moment which will in itself reflect the nature of that question.  This is often the case to a striking degree.  In fact, in India, anyone regularly consulting an astrologer will expect the astrologer to know what they are calling about from the chart for the moment of their enquiry.


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